Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 11 - Villafranca Montes de Oca to Burgos

What a day! And by that, I mean what a LONG day! I walked over 40 km today in order to get to Burgos in one push. I don't think it was worth it. I stayed in a hotel that night (previously planned) to get a little me time...a bedroom with nobody else in it, a shower with hot water that I could use for more than 2 minutes before someone starts getting upset over how long I'm taking and how much hot water I'm using, and a real towel. After 40 km and wandering around the city center area for a bit just observing the Spanish people and the stores, I was exhausted. The next morning, my feet were literally swollen. If would be hard to tell if you didn't know what they normally looked like.

So apparently, in Spain, there aren't many Asians. I haven't seen but 4 or 5 that live in Spain. I have met 5 South Korean girls on El Camino (Seoul Sista's) and one American who lives in Madrid and teaches English (met him on El Camino as well). But ALL of the others that I've seen have been in these stores called "Bazars" that sell everything and everything that they sell is crammed onto shelves (and probably fell off a truck, quite honestly). I was in one the other day looking for a coin pouch since 1 and 2 Euro coins are so commonly used. Some lady started asking me something as if I worked there! "No hablo espanol. Yo no trabajo aqui." It was like that time that I wore a red shirt when I went to Target. I was asked not once, but twice, for help finding something. I actually was able to help one lady out.


At October 28, 2009 at 2:23 AM , Blogger Raoul/Says said...

"5 Korean girls"

Say, do you remember any of their names? One of them could be my friend.

At October 29, 2009 at 9:59 AM , Blogger Raoul/Says said...


Do you remember any of the Korean girls you met? As one of them could be my friend. Her name is Irene. Please let me know, as I have not heard from her.

At October 30, 2009 at 9:25 AM , Blogger Tohams said...

Irene, for sure I know. Not sure of the others. They didn't speak as much English.

At October 30, 2009 at 9:27 AM , Blogger Tohams said...

Irene is fine. I just saw her 2 hours ago. She arrived safely in Santiago yesterday. :)

At October 30, 2009 at 9:37 AM , Blogger Raoul/Says said...

Yeah she emailed me yesterday. Thank goodness, I was a very worried boyfriend. Anyway, thanks for the reply. Can't wait till she gets back to Cape Town!


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