Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm still going...

I know. It's been a while since I've updated my blog. I'm still planning on going. A small (yes, that's sarcasm) set back occurred known as replacing my house's furnace and air conditioner with super high efficiency units (95% furnace, 16 SEER AC). I guess there's always a reason to not go, so I'm still really planning on going.

What's left to do?
  • Buy a plane ticket (looking to be about $830 right now)
  • Buy a watertight stuff sack to take my valuables into the shower with me for security
  • Buy a couple more articles of necessary clothing
  • Look into custom orthotics
  • Train, train, train.
Today, I hit the trail for the first time this season. I've been busy. I know. It's a crappy excuse. Hopefully this blog will help to keep me honest going forward. I went down the Indian Creek Trail here in Kansas City, going from State Line to Metcalf. With a detour due to construction on the trail, I figure it to be about 10 miles round trip based on the mile markers. It took me about 3 hours to walk.

I did have to stop for about 10 minutes when I came upon a big (probably a 16" long shell) snapping turtle trying to cross 5 lanes of traffic. A cop stopped to block traffic and a couple guys from a nearby lawn center loaned me a shovel and let me load the guy into the bobcat. They took him to the creek along which much of the trail goes, well away from the road. I also got to see a doe and her fawn along the trail. I reached for my camera phone, but as I opened by velcro pocket, they took off.

The walk itself went really well. I had no problems during the walk. My feet started hurting a bit, but just sore. There are no signs of blisters or even the start of them. A few hours after, both of my knees started hurting a little. Nothing too serious. All the same, it's making me lean more in the direction of getting custom orthotics from a podiatrist.

I figure I did a little less than half of what's planned to be my longest day on El Camino and well over half of an average day. Granted, I did it carrying only a water bottle, a far cry from a ~20 pound pack on my back. But given that it only took 3 hours and felt really comfortable, I'm optimistic.

More updates, more often...I promise!